Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tons of Halloween Fun!

It is an exciting Halloween day at Carver! We were excited to see our friends, teachers and staff in costumes!
                                        Gorgeous princesses!
                                    Brave and powerful Superheroes!
                                      Cute little bunny and ladybug!
                                                       Cool costumes!
 We were suprised to see some of our teachers as CRAYONS!

We gathered on the playground for some Halloween Fun! Pumpkin ball races, eerie eyeball spoon relays and bobbing for apples were all part of the fun!

We also had a great time performing at our PE Monster Mash Musical!  Thanks to all parents who attended!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pp is for Pumpkins!

 We had lots of pumpkin fun today as we excitedly await Halloween!  For math we counted our pumpkin seeds.  Each student counted out ten seeds,then we counted by tens to see how many seeds came from our pumpkin!  We couldn't believe we had more than 240!  We toasted them in butter for a tasty treat! Yummy!
The letter Pp was a perfect letter for us this week! We were able to make Pumpkin hats for Pp, just in time for Halloween! We also read the story The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything!  It was about a little old lady that discovered many things as she walked through the forest. One of those things was a talking pumpkin head that was trying to frighten her!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Thanks for your support!

Thanks to all parents who were able to attend our scheduled conference for the end of the nine weeks!  It was great to visit with you all about the progress your child has made this first nine weeks!  I know the children are progressing because of their supportive parents at home!
Remember that your child will be bringing home their "baggie" reader on Tuesday.  Please spend a few  minutes each night (M-TH) reading.  The more opportunities your child has to read, the better reader they will become!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Time to Carve Our Pumpkin!

After voting and deciding that we wanted a spooky/scary pumpkin, the carving began.
                                                              We did it!

Ss for $, Shopping and Super Store!

Window shopping as we wait for our store to open!
Ss is for the Curious George Super Store!   The children stocked our store with an item or items from home that they no longer wanted.  The students were able to earn "dollars"for good deeds and behaviors, all week.  Friday finally arrived and we were able to shop!  We were so excited!  The children counted their money and the shopping began.  Many quickly learned how to budget and consumer shop to get the most for their money! Problem solving skills were strengthened, for sure!
Counting our dollars!
Ready to shop!
Smart Shoppers
Making our purchase
Shopped til we dropped!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Exciting Day in the Garden!

Today was an exciting day in the garden!  Mrs. Bingham brought a new friend for us to meet.  Her name is Ms. Elaine and she is a master gardener from San Marcos. These ladies have been working hard to ready the beds for planting. Today we helped plant snapdragons, vegetable plants and seeds. We are learning so many things about gardening from these nice ladies. We are also learning that gardening is hard, but fun, work! Thank you to C and J Greenhouses for the wonderful donations and a special thanks to Mrs. Bingham for all of her efforts in making the garden project a successful one!
 Hard at work planting, watering and making sure the plants get just the right care!
             Making sure all of the weeds were gone before we plant our seeds!
 We were anxious to see what seeds Ms. Elaine had in her bag.
We had some terrific weed pullers!
 Some of us needed a break from the hard work!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Super-visors at Work!

  One of the ideas shared at Dr. Jean's workshop, last week, was a big hit with the children. The leaders had fun being Super-visors today!  The leaders each wore a visor with our newest sight words attached. The students had to tell the Super-visor the word before they were allowed to pass!  The Super-visors loved to supervise and the students are sure to remember "is" and "have."  Who ever knew sight word reading could be such fun?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Getting Ready to Read, Read, Read!

Today each student was given the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) by Mrs. Daily. Each child was individually tested to identify their reading level. I will share your child's level and more information at our conference next week.  I will also be sending home leveled readers so your child can read, read, read!  The more opportunities a child is given to read, the better readers they will become!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pumpkin Math!

We have been working on recognizing and sequencing numbers 1-10. 
We have had fun ordering numbered pumpkins. We also learned a Halloween pumpkin poem that  teaches us ordinal numbers. When the pumpkins are placed in order, we use ordinal numbers to tell their position.      
 We love to see how fast we can get the numbers in the right order!
Next,  we get to see the pumpkin faces !
 And then the pumpkins DANCE, which is the best of all!

Teachers Attend Dr. Jean Workshop

Can't wait to get back to class to try out more of Dr. Jean's fun learning ideas! Dr. Jean teaches ways to engage students in learning by engaging children physically and mentally. She always has great ideas for teaching through songs, dances and  other fun activities.  "The more senses you activate, the more likely the message  will get to the brain and stay there!", she says. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Star in the Apple!

Today we read the story " The Star in the Apple". It was about a little boy that was looking for a little red house, with a chimney on top, with no windows and no doors. He discovered that it was an apple that he was looking for.  When his mom sliced the apple in half (horizontally) there was a star inside!We then discussed if the story was real or make believe.  We were excited to discover that there really was a star in the apple! Thanks to the boys and girls that brought an apple from home.  We loved experimenting with our apples to discover the star inside.  The apple halves also were a yummy treat!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Aa is for Apple Reading!

This week we learned our first vowel "Aa"!  We learned that every word has to have a vowel. Vowels are the "glue" that hold a word together.  We can't have a word without a vowel. Now we can read by blending!  Blending or sounding out words  is smoothly ‘hooking the sounds of a word together’ to hear the word. When we can hear that word and identify it,we are READING!  We had fun blending words with our Apples! Ask your child to "read their apple" to you tonight! They are amazing!

                                                             We can read!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tt is for Trick or Treating!

 Halloween is getting near and we are SO excited!  Our calendar tells us that we have 18 more days to get our costume ready, but we had some Trick or Treating fun today with sight words! We each created a Trick or Treating Tt bag to hold our sight words.  We then had a chance to earn a treat for each word we could read!  Then we were able to decorate a mini-pumpkin!  Thank you Elijah's mom, Mrs. Santana, for sending those for us! We love getting excited about Halloween!

Future Firefighters!

 We loved having the firefighters visit our school on Thursday!  They showed us all of their cool equipment as well as their really cool firetruck.  They also taught us how to be safe in case our house or ourselves were to ever catch on fire! Thank you Lockhart Fire Department for an exciting visit!