Friday, April 26, 2013

Wedding of the Year! Qq Marries Uu!

You never see Q without a a word.
You never see Q without a U... in a word.
QU, QU, QU says "kwuh'!
We have had QUite an exciting week in anticipation of the WEDDING of Qq and Uu!  We learned this week that "You never see Q without a U in a word!"  Today we had a wedding to unite the two letters that will stay together forever in LETTER LAND!!  It was UN-QUESTIONABLE fun!

As we prepared for the wedding we also were sure to make a gift for the inseparable pair.  We each handcrafted a QUilt square for our alphabet quilt.  We had some very exQUisite creations!
                                                Our completed Alphabet Quilt
 Aaliyah  made an apple for Aa!
Dd for Dog                    and Gg for Grandma

Qq for Quilt
Ww is for Wind! Wow, what cool creations!

And then the  Wedding Day Finally arrived!
We hope you enjoy our WEDDING ALBUM photos as much as we enjoyed our fun day!

The Ceremony


The DANCE and Fun with our Friends!

 We had an Unforgettable time!   We'll never see a Qq without thinking of Uu! 

Kindergarten is such fun!

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Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, EARTH DAY!

Earth Day is an annual holiday, celebrated on April 22, on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection.  We celebrated Earth Day to help us remember to always protect and care for this great planet we call home!

We used recycled newspaper, gift tissue and "Earth feathers" to make hats for this special day!

 Stylin' in our GO GREEN hats!
Don't we look "snazzy"?

We made an Earth Man to help us to always remember to take care of our resources! 

An Earth Day scavenger hunt and trip to the park 

was great fun!  We had to read and find all of the 

nature items on the list.
 Something Fuzzy!
Something straight...
 Something rough...
Two different leaves...
 Something green!
A stick!
A beautiful rock...
And.........finally, something we thought was a treasure!

We watched a cool Earth Day video that showed us many ways to help the Earth.  We then made an EARTH DAY promise to........

Cole - Pick up trash everywhere.
Christopher -Recycle stuff that people do not need.
Chloe -Pick up every trash you see.
Emma-Help the animals.
Summer-Put trash in the trashcan.
Anissa -Help the plants and the trees.
Mikayla -Pick up all the trash and recycle.
Kennedy -Clean up and help it.
Brandon- Take the trash out and put it by the street and put the sticks in the stick pile.
Colston-Grow plants everywhere.
Atiana-Clean up  a bag of chips that I find.
Jordan-Keep the planet clean. Clean it up with a vacuum cleaner.
Leah-Clean up the world with my brothers.
Aaliyah-I like the Earth.  I would clean the air.
X-Zavier-I would pick up all the stuff on the Earth.
Elijah-I would do what it wants me to be nice to her.
Christopher-Don't throw stuff in the water.
Redik-Clean up by picking up all the trash.
Ernest-I would kiss it and show the Earth I love it!

We ended Earth Day with a yummy Earth cupcake on the playground!  We will be sure to remember to take care of our great, planet Earth!