Monday, March 24, 2014

Subtraction Fun!

We are having lots of fun as we learn to subtract.  Last week we had fun solving subtraction stories using different food treats.One day we used goldfish and paper ponds to learn to subtract.
Another day we heard the story "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and we fed our very hungry caterpillar as we solved subtraction stories.
 Still another day we read the book "Ants at the Picnic," and used raisins for ants as we had another fun lesson in subtracting.

Today we read the book "Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?" and then we played that same game.  We discovered that MINUS MAN stole the cookies from the cookie jar.  We learned that the minus sign shows us to subtract!

Learning to SUBTRACT is fun!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Our Elegant Party!

We were so excited that the day marked with an E on our calendar finally arrived.  We have been waiting for this exciting day. We could not wait to dress up so elegantly and come to school for our ELEGANT party. We were ready to practice the elegant manners that we learned about. We were just not so sure that we wanted to eat Kindergarten Caviar, but it turned out to be delicious.
Kindergarten Caviar-Green Eggs and Ham!

We Enjoyed our Exquisite time!

Many decided that the Entertainment was the best part: Dancing under the stars!

What an Exciting time we had learning the letter Ee!

Special thanks to Mrs. Rutledge, our assistant principal, that joined us this morning as a "waitress" and our "photographer".
Also, thanks to Jace's mom for lending a helping hand with the "strawberry fla-fla- flu parfaits"!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had fun on our first day back after Spring Break!  We were excited to see our friends and share what we did over the break.  We also learned that St. Patrick's day is a holiday that began in a country far across the ocean, named Ireland.  Many of us knew that it was the day to wear green for good luck.  We also had fun doing some leprechaun learning activities.

Cute little leprechaun friends!

We counted shamrocks and graphed Lucky Charms.

We also read color words as we painted RAINBOWS! 

We were happy to be back at school!